Crunch time aint no joke, lol!

Alright, it’s 630am and while I’ve taken a few breaks here and there to regain my sanity, ive managed to put in 20hr today to get #Agrownomics done by the 26th. I’ve made a lot of improvements in the Day/Night cycle esthetics, made some changes to the UI (User Interface) and a bunch of other things behind the scenes (Code-wise). Gonna get a couple hours sleep before I get back to work on this.

P.S. If you look closely you can see it raining on the farm at the top of the globe, lol!

P.S.S These still images don’t really show it but the Sun, Moon and Stars actually spin around and it looks so cool, lol!

P.S.S.S Crunch time aint no joke, lol!!! 😀


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